Real Russia Travel Agency
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Hunting period:

elk from 0. till 30. September
wild boar from 15 July till 15 December
and from 01 till 15 January
bear from 07.August till 01November


Trophy prices Elk: with horns up to 8 kg: 1 100 ˆ (euro)
from 8 up to 10 kg: 1 300 ˆ (euro)
from 10 up to 12 kg: 1 500 ˆ (euro)
over 12 kg: 1 800 ˆ (euro)

Trophy prices — Bear:(living weight) up to 100 kg: 1 000 ˆ (euro)
from 100 up to 200 kg: 1 500 ˆ (euro)
over 200 kg: 2 000 ˆ (euro)

Trophy prices — Wild Boar: grown up female: 500 ˆ (euro)
male with fangs up to 14 cm: 330 ˆ (euro)
male with fangs from 14 up to 16 cm: 400 ˆ (euro)
male with fangs from 16 up to 18 cm: 520 ˆ (euro)
male with fangs from 18 up to 20 cm: 670 ˆ (euro)
over 20 cm - 790 euro + 10ˆ (euro) for 1 mm
young wild boar: 100 ˆ (euro)

Spring bird hunt for foreign hunters in Yaroslavl region in 2006

The best dates of arrival: 22, 25 April.
The best number of hunters in one group: 4-6 persons.
Duration of tour: 5 days + the day of arrival and the day of departure.

Trophy prices:

wood-grouse: 300 euro
black cock: 250 euro
The hunters arriving at Yaroslavl region repeatly will gel 10% abatement for their trophies.

Payment for service, transfer and getting up documents is executing . Payment for the trophies is executing according to the hunting records in cash or clearing. Hunting records have to be signed by the both parts.

Preliminary payment is a reason for reserving a tour.

Number of person
7 days + 2 (day of arrival and departure )
1800 EUR
5 days + 2 (day of arrival and departure )
1300 EUR

Cost includes:

  • legalizating documents to importation/ exports of weapon
  • permission to trophy’s exports
  • transfer from Moscow to Yaroslavl and from Yaroslavl to Moscow
  • accommodation + breakfast/ dinner/ supper during hunting
    services of chasseur (=huntsman) and interpreter
  • transfers during hunting (if it’s necessary)
  • visa support

cost doesn’t include:

• air tickets
• visa
• accommodation at cities’ hotels

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