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The Yaroslavl State Historical-and-Architectural Museum-PreserveThe Yaroslavl State Historical-and-Architectural Museum-Preserve.Collections: Total Amount of Individual Items Preserved - 320 000. Collection of manuscripts, including those written on parchment paper (end of 12th - beginning of 20th centuries)
Collection of early printed books, including incunabula, palaeotypes, first printed books (15-20th centuries). Collection of editions and researches of the literary monument of Old Russian literature "Song of Igor's Host" (1800 - 90s of the 20th century), drawings of Soviet artists devoted to "Song…" Collection of iconography of the Yaroslavl region (14th - beginning of the 20th century) and more...
Location: Bogoyavlenskaya Square 25, Yaroslavl, 150000
Contact: Directory inquiries +7 (4852)30-40-72, Excursion office +7 (4852)30-38-69,
Administration +7 (4852)30-35-37
Fax: +7 (4852)30-40-72
web-site (in English) E-mail:
Hours of operation: 10.00-17.30 (ticket office till 16.30), in summer the territory of the Museum is open till 7 p.m.
Day off - Monday, cleanup day - first Wednesday of every even month

Anonymous. Christ Pantocrator. The first half of the 13-th century.Yaroslavl Art Museum was founded on the 5th of December in 1919 by Gubernian department of public education. It began its work in March 1920 by moving exhibition in the Yaroslavl Big manufacture. The museum collection consists of about sixty thousands works and includes:
Icon-painting of the thirteenth - the beginning of the twentieth centuries; Russian painting of the eighteenth - twentieth centuries; Original drawing and miniature of the eighteenth - the first half of the ninteenth centuries;
Exlibris of the eighteenth - twentieth centuries (including European modern exlibris); Numismatics (including Russian and European rewards and memorable medals of the eighteenth - ninteenth centuries); Glass, china and faience of the eighteenth - the beginning of the twentieth centuries and more.
Location: 23, the Volga Embankment, Yaroslavl, 150000, Russia. Museum hours: 10.00 am-7.30 pm, mondays closed
fax (4852) 32-81-85
tel (4852) 30-48-31, 30-35-04, 72-82-57
web-site E-mail:

"Karabikha"The State Literary and Memorial Museum-Reserve of N.A.Nekrasov "Karabikha" . The museum exists about 60 years. It is situeted on the territory of the estate. There are regular and landscape's parks in the museum. The exposition is devoted to great poet and editor N.A. Nekrasov. There are the collection of the memorial things, the collection of Russian magazines XIX and XX centuries, the collection of estate photos in the exposition and the funds of the museum. In the 1999 a children's literary museum was opened. The only literary museum of children in Yaroslavl province is devoted to the characters of Necrasov's poems. Staff members have recieved grants from Russian President and one from The Soros Founation for this project. The museum annual events such as a Necrasov Poetry Festival, a biennial conference devoted to "Nekrasov and Russian culture", and another "Russian estates of the 18th - 19th centuries". The museum publishes history and literary edition "Kharabikha" (4 numbers today). There are some sections such as "Abakumtsevo" and "Greshnevo".
Location: 150522, Yaroslavskaya oblast', Yaroslavskij r-n, p/o Krasnye Tkachi, selo Karabiha
phone: (4852) 43-4183, (4852) 43-4181, fax:(4852) 43-4113

"Music and Time""Music and Time" - the popular museum which has a rich collection of the bells, ancient clocks, musical instruments is also offered.
Location: 33-A, the Volga Embankment, Yaroslavl, 150000, Russia. Work: 10.00am-7.00 pm
phone: +7 (4852) 32-86-37, 72-72-12
we-site (in Russian)


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