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MartiniЕ Russian Drinking Tradition
# 1. Russians have their Vodka neat, never mixing it with any
other drinks.
No IceЕ Russian Drinking Tradition # 2. Russians serve
Vodka cool, and drink it from special vodka glasses WITHOUT
any ice. Vodka is normally cooled in the bottle...
With УzakuskiФЕ Russian Drinking Tradition # 3. Russians
donТt drink Vodka before or after meals. They drink Vodka during
meals in combination with traditional Russian cuisine (zakuski,
Russian hors dТoeuvres). Vodka is an indispensable attribute
of Russian repast!
With toasts... Russian Drinking Tradition # 4. Russians
drink Vodka with or without any occasion, however drinking is
always preceded by a toast.
history of Russian vodka In
the old times Russian people didnТt have any idea of getting drunk.
Before the adoption of the Christianity alcoholic beverages were put
on the table to celebrate three holidays: the birth of a child, a
military victory or the funeral. Expensive, rich feasts were afforded
only by the Great Princes and used as political events to sign new
contracts or arrange new contacts. The most popular strong beverages
were considered honey wines, УbragaФ (strong bread beverage) and beer.
In the ancient Rus vodka was highly appreciated and used as miracle-working
medicine, combined with herbs extracts for external and internal use,
not more than a half a spoon. Vodka was considered good to heal the
wounds and relieve the pain. The growing popularity of this strong
beverage helped its fast spreading. The first bread wine was made
in the Chudov monastery in the Kremlin in the middle of 15 century.
Monastery distillation competed with the State Treasury and the Great
prince Ivan III brought in the First vodka monopoly that lasted till
1605. The next reformer was Ivan The Terrible who interdicted to purchase
vodka in Moscow and ordered to build for his servants a special house,
which was called in a Tatar way УkabakФ (that
means drinking without snack).
The new place became to the tsarТs liking and the entertaining place.
Thanks to that, the inexhaustible source of treasury enrichment was
found.So, since 1555 kabaks appeared in different Russian cities and
got into the traditional place to have a drink and a special particularity
of Russian urbanism. Only common people were allowed to drink in the
kabaks. People of upper classes should drink alcohol at home and the
people whose activity was the art should not drink alcohol at any
rate.Successful years of Peter the GreatТs government, whose love
towards the feasts and festivals was the talk of the country, accustomed
people to much alcohol.
But the tsar also brought in the strict order in alcohol drinking.
It was the rule to work the whole week and allowed to have alcoholic
drinks only on the holidays. Peter I loved alcohol so much that he
could drink 36 glasses of wine during the day. Thanks to him, Russian
Empire learned to drink vodka in a sweeping and joyful manner. Vodka
was a must of a combat ration. Russian soldiers carried alcohol drinks
to encourage themselves on the field of battle. The soldier got 2
cups of vodka (15-18%) every day.Simple workers were not deprived
of their due share of vodka, too. One glass (charka) of low quality
vodka was supposed to every builder, road worker or docker. In the
middle of 18 century, in the time of Catherine II alcoholic beverage
manufacturing became the privilege of the aristocracy. The last royal
decree admitted the complete refuse of the state monopoly and control
of private practices. During many centuries alcoholic beverage manufacturing
differed by private, amateur character. The taste of Уbread wineФ
was improved by numerous filtrations, freezing and rectifying. Every
nobleman had his own brand of vodka and considered prestigious to
have the A-Z assortment of vodka with different herbs: apple vodka,
zest vodka an others. Drinking culture at that time was very high.
The principal rule was to keep the mind sober and the view of things
sensible. At the beginning of 19 century large PeterТs mug was changed
by a German glass that was of less size. In kabaks small glasses (stopka
Ц 100 g) came into fashion. Besides the stopka, people drank vodka
in shkaliki (60 g) and charki (120 g). In 19 century the famous Russian
chemist Mendeleev developed the basis of alcoholic beverage industry.
He, first, determined the vague notion УvodkaФ with scientific characteristics.
Vodka became the only name of principal Russian strong drink. Vodka
is made from rye spirit, dissolved, by weight, in spring mild water
until 40% alcohol. As during the experiments, Mendeleev found out
that only 40% alcohol releases the maximum of heat and differs by
the homogeneity. In 1894 MendeleevТs vodka was patented as the principal
Russian alcoholic beverage, called УMoscow specialФ vodka. In conclusion,
it is necessary to say that only vodka from Russia is the true vodka.
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и посуда, самогонные аппараты, перва¤ механизированна¤ машина
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